Author Archives: Gwein Yddwr

Diwrnod Cymunedol…Community Day…Neuadd Arms 4/8/2024

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Eglwys Sant Mihangel, Cil-y-cwm St Michael’s Church Cilycwm

Securing the future of Cilycwm Church…Sicrhau dyfodol Eglwys Cilycwm Annwyl Ffrindiau/Dear Friends of Saint Michael’s church,We are very grateful that the Church in Wales, Cardiff, is repairing the lychgate.However we are still facing a financial challenge to meet expenses, viz. … Continue reading

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Please make every effort to attend, your community, your association…Eich cymuned, eich cymdeithas. Capel y Groes, 15/7/2024 7pm Agenda to include…i gynnwys: For further information…am fwy o wybodaeth: or

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Cymdeithas Gymunedol Cilycwm Community Association A.G.M.

Dydd Llun…Monday evening at 7pm…15/7/2024 Capel y Groes Chapel…..Agenda to follow

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Mrs Ann Jones, Maesyrhaul (Erryd), Cilycwm

Gyda thristwch mawr y cofnodir marwolaeth sydyn Mrs Ann Jones, Maesyrhaul, Cilycwm, gynt o Erryd ac estynnwn ein cydymdeimlad dwysaf i Brian a’r plant Kathryn a Hywel a’u teuluoedd. It is with a heavy heart that we note the sudden … Continue reading

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Cycles and mountains. Taking place in this beautiful area over the weekend. Go to Yn yr ardal hyfryd yma dros y penwythnos = ewch i .

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Llyfrgell…Library Van

The County Council library van comes to Cilycwm every third Monday from 11.30 to 12.30, and the next visit is Monday 10th June, in front of the new bungalows opposite the bus shelter and phone box. Please take advantage of … Continue reading

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Pobl Blaenau Tywi people

The Blaenau Tywi history project after a number of years researching is coming to an end.  If anyone has old photos of the people of the area (Cilycwm or Rhandirmwyn), please let me know.  Dafydd at 07944 373473 or daf(at)cilycwm(dot)com … Continue reading

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Gwaith wrth yr Eglwys…Work near the Church 

Work to repair the lychgate and outer wall will start on Tuesday May 28th when protective fencing will be erected across whole of the front the church. Please do not park in front of the church to allow access for the fencing. … Continue reading

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Eglwys Cilycwm Church

. Eglwys Mihangel Sant,Cil-y-cwm….St Michael’s Church, Cilycwm 11.00am Eucharist gyda/with Rev Marc Rowlands Gwasanaeth…..Service May 26th Croeso i bawb….Everyone welcome

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