Author Archives: Gwein Yddwr

Cyngor Cymuned Cilycwm Community Council

Cyfarfod…Meeting 5/3/2024Clerc/Clerk: Mrs Joy Waters Tel.No./Ffôn: 01269 594157 A meeting of Cilycwm Community Council will be held at Capel y Groes at 7.30 p.m. on Tuesday 5 th March, 2024.Cynhelir cyfarfod Cyngor Cymuned Cilycwm yn Capel y Groes am 7.30 … Continue reading

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Mrs Ann Jones…..80

. Cymerwn y cyfle i ddymuno penblwydd hapus i Ann Jones, Maesyrhaf (Erryd gynt) ar ei phenblwydd yn wythdeg oed. Mae Ann yn adnabyddus i nifer yn y gymuned wedi iddi wasanaethu fel Cynghorydd a Chlerc Cyngor Cymuned Cilycwm am … Continue reading

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Côr Cyswllt Cilycwm

Fe fu Côr Cyswllt Cilycwm yn diddanu’r gynulleidfa yn Myddfai gyda rhai o artistiaid ifanc Sir Gâr. Côr Cyswllt Choir had a busy evening performing in nearby Myddfai with other local artists. Llun / Photo: Catrin Roberts, Myddfai.

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Yn yr Eglwys….Church Services

St Michael’s Cilycwm Church Services Dydd Sul….Sunday Jan 28th 11.15 with Rev Marc Rowlands Dydd Sul….Sunday Feb 11th 11,15 with Rev Marc Rowlands Dydd Sul….Sunday Feb 25th 11.15 with Mrs Jane Shaw Croeso cynnes i bawb….We hope to see you … Continue reading

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Huw Williams (Lords Park, Llansteffan)

Peacefully at Glangwili Hospital on Tuesday, 19th December, aged 67 years, Huw of Siriol, Llangain, formerly of Lord’s Park, Llansteffan. Loving brother of Wynford, Eric and the late Violet, Ifor and John, a dear uncle and friend. Public Funeral Service … Continue reading

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Shân Lewis

(Shân was married to the late Idris Lewis and was the mother of Councillor Eurwyn Lewis, who between them have served over 50 years on Cilycwm Community Council). Yn dawel yn ei chartref Bryndeilog, Llanymddyfri hunodd Shân. Priod hoff y … Continue reading

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Blaenau Tywi : Lle da i fyw….A good place to live!

. At the bottom end of the Cambrian Mountains, the Llyn Brianne car park is recognised as a Sky Discovery Site (there are only a few) – a place to see the stunning starry sky with no light pollution. Ar … Continue reading

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Church Services….Yn yr Eglwys

. Monday December 25th 11.15am Morning Service….Bore Nadolig, Gwasanaeth am 11.15yb. January 14th 5pm….Plygain….Ionawr 14, 2024. 28/1/2024….11.15am Holy Communion….Gwasanaeth Boreuol. Everyone is welcome….Croeso i bawb.

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Church Carol Service…..Gwasanaeth Carolau

It was wonderful to see so many people at the Nine Lessons and Carols on Sunday night.  Thank you Aled and Côr Cyswllt Cilycwm for enhancing the atmosphere with your singing…….Roedd hi’n dda gweld cymaint o bobl yn y Naw Llith a Charol nos Sul ddiwethaf. … Continue reading

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Cyfarfod Cyhoeddus….Public Meeting

A summary of the public meeting in Pumsaint Hall regarding Wind Turbines……Crynodeb o’r cyfarfod cyhoeddus ym Mhumsaint ynghylch Twrbeini Gwynt. Well over 100 people attended the public meeting about the proposed wind farm at BrynCadwgan on Thursday 7 December, 2023. … Continue reading

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