New forestry collaboration to reduce timber traffic in Tywi Valley

A pioneering collaboration between Natural Resources Wales, private
forestry companies and three Welsh local authorities has been struck up to
reduce the amount of timber carrying lorries travelling through small
villages in the TywiValley.
The collaboration, which is the first of its kind in Wales, will mean that a
number of small villages and rural roads in Carmarthenshire, Ceredigion
and Powys will see a significant reduction in the number of lorries passing
Each of the organisations has bought into a new’Timber Transport Fund’
which will allow them to establish, manage and maintain a shared network
of internal forest roads.

The first project to be delivered as part of the collaboration has seen an
eight mile stretch of the Cwm Henog forest road upgraded, which could
reduce timber traffic in the Upper Tywi Valley by about 35,000 tonnes, the
equivalent of 1,500 vehicle movements every year.
Five other projects have also been identified across the 13,5O0-hectare
Tywi forest complex which will create new access roads and link existing
roads to allow hauliers better access to main highways.
These roads will provide better access to the main highways, meaning that
in some areas, lorries will no longer need to travel along small rural roads
and through small villages.

The full press release can be downloaded here.

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