Burglary warning – hot weather


Crime Prevention – House Burglaries
Dear Watch Member,

There has been an increase in house burglary during the recent hot days.  Burglars are opportunists, who take advantage of windows and doors left open.  When you are not at home, or in the garden or during the night, please lock doors and ground floor windows.  Statistics from 2011-2012 show that there was an increase in burglaries of homes during summer months.
In Llanelli Town and Rural areas for example there were 13 burglaries during July and August of last year, six of which saw entry gained via an insecure door or window.
“The main point of entry for burglars during this time was through insecure doors and windows,” said Detective Sergeant Richard Davies. “We all know how warm it is at the moment, but I would urge people not to leave ground floor, and in some cases, first floor windows open when premises are unoccupied.
“It’s also worth reminding people that we do see an increase in shed thefts at this time of year also. And again I would ask that people remember to lock up their outbuildings at the end of the day.”

If you need to reply regarding this message, click on this email address: brian.jones@dyfed-powys.pnn.police.uk

Brian Jones
Watch Liaison Officer
Neighbourhood Watch
Email: brian.jones@dyfed-powys.pnn.police.uk

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