Police & Fire Christmas Initiative

Dear Watch Member,

Carmarthen Neighbourhood Policing Team and Mid and West Wales Fire Brigade are taking a partnership approach for Christmas. Representatives will give police crime prevention advice and Fire Safety awareness on the day. They will also be able to refer individuals on for the Bobby Van or the Free Home Fire Safety check.  Or alternatively just come along for a chat and meet your local officer.

It will be held at:

St Catherine’s Walk on the 19th December from 09:00 onwards

Guildhall Square on the 20th December from 09:00 onwards.

If you need to reply regarding this message, click on this email address: bethan.hodgkinson@dyfed-powys.pnn.police.uk

Bethan Hodgkinson
Police Community Support Officer
Neighbourhood Watch
Email: bethan.hodgkinson@dyfed-powys.pnn.police.uk

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