Author Archives: Gwein Yddwr

Roger Hemmings

Trist cofnodi marwolaeth Roger Hemmings, Bwthyn Tywi. It is with great sadness that we note the death of Roger Hemmings, Towy Cottage, Cilycwm. His love of fishing and the closeness of the Tywi encouraged his move to this area some … Continue reading

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Cymanfa Ganu…Singing Festival Poster


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Eglwys Mihangel Sant, Cil-y-cwm….St Michael’s Church, Cilycwm

. Gwasanaeth….Church Service….12/5/2024….11.15am Eucharist gyda….with Rev Marc Rowlands Hefyd….Also Cymanfa Fodern….Singing Festival May 19th 6.00pm. Tocynnau wrth y drws….Tickets at the door. Mwy o wybodaeth i ddod….More details later .

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Eglwys Mihangel Sant…St Michael’s Church, Cilycwm

. Dydd Sul yma…..This Sunday’s Church Service 28/4/2024 11.15am Eucharist with Rev Marc Rowlands Croeso i bawb….Welcome to everyone. .

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Mr Wynne Henry

. Trist iawn cofnodi marwolaeth cyn brifathro Ysgol Cilycwm sef Mr Wynne Henry. Estynnwn ein cydymdeimlad dwysaf i’r teulu. We were saddened to hear of the death of Mr Wynne Henry, a former headmaster of Cilycwm School. We extend our … Continue reading

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Eglwys Cilycwm Church

. Eglwys Mihangel Sant, Cil-y-cwm .…St Michael’s Church Cilycwm Gwasanaeth Ebrill 14 am 11.15yb….Morning prayer April 14th with Mrs Jane Shaw Croeso i bawb…..Welcome to everyone. .

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. Ymgynghoriad cyhoeddus…..Public consultation, make your views known to Green Gen Dydd Mercher…..Wednesday….10/4/2024 Castle Hotel, Llandovery…..2pm till 7pm .

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Llwybr a pharc beicio ayyb…Cycle park and trail etc Os am roi sylw, dilynwch y linc….If you wish to comment, follow the link:- .

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Brynglas Cottage, Rhandirmwyn

. Link to episode 2, featuring Brynglas Cottage. Mwy o wybodaeth am y rhaglen…More information on the programme : .

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Gwasanaethau Eglwys Cilycwm Church Services

. March 10th 11.15am Eucharist with Rev Marc Rowlands  March 24th 11.15am Eucharist with Rev Marc Rowlands  March 31st Easter Sunday 2pm with Rev Marc Rowlands  Croeso cynnes i bawb…..Welcome to everyone.  .

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