Cilycwm Dresser – news update.

We have added more information to the Cilycwm Dresser page.

Anne Theophilus has kindly loaned Thelma Stenning “Cilycwm as I remember it over the last 70 years”, a document charting the memories of Catherine Dorothea Theophilus (known as Dorrie).  This valuable insight into many past Cilycwm residents identifies the changes of occupancy of many of the village houses.  It helpfully identifies that, according to Dorrie, the Welsh Dresser on show in the Abergwili Museum, Carmarthen was bequeathed by Maggie Lizzie Davies, who lived in “Bryngwenlais” and was organist at the Church for many years.

It is available on the Cilycwm Dresser page as a download in .pdf format. There is also a photo of Dorrie sat beside her dresser.

Cilycwm Dresser page – click here.





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