Author Archives: chrisrobertson

Lockdown photos.

At last, some good news! Jane Evans has been taking photos on her regular lockdown walks from Abercamlais. They show the beauty and delights that are all around us in this wonderful valley that we all call home.

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Hywel Dda Health Board – pregnancy helpline.

Hywel Dda Health Board We’re launching a new urgent care telephone advice line for women experiencing pregnancy complications (in the first 20 weeks) in Carmarthenshire, Ceredigion and Pembrokeshire during the Coronavirus pandemic. This will be available from Monday to Friday, … Continue reading

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Heddlu Dyfed-Powys Police – cyngor teilwra cymdeithasol – social engineering advice.

English below. Pa mor aml ydych chi’n clywed – “Gwnânt fyth fy nhwyllo i” – neu “Rwy’n methu credu bod pobl mor dwp” Mae troseddwyr yn defnyddio teilwra cymdeithasol er mwyn dylanwadu ar bobl neu eu twyllo i ddatgelu eu … Continue reading

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Paying for goods and services.

The following briefing note provides guidance on the different ways you can access cash safely to pay for goods and services. Post Offices  If you hold Post Office Card Account, you may nominate a trusted individual to become your Permanent Agent and … Continue reading

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Phone Scam Guidance

Here is some information we have been provided by AGE UK regarding nuisance and scam callers. What should I do if I’ve been a victim  of a phone scam?  Scammers are constantly finding new ways to trick people and phone … Continue reading

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Emergency repairs assistance.

If you have an urgent home repair but are struggling to find a contractor, Carmarthenshire Council’s emergency repairs assistance service might be able to help you. To be eligible you must own your home, be on a means tested benefit … Continue reading

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Coronavirus – 3 useful links.

Three links to useful information during the epidemic. Criminals haven’t stopped working during the lockdown – they are just working smarter!Click here to download a useful sheet of information on how to avoid fraud. From Age Cymru – an updated … Continue reading

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Sioe Cilycwm Show 2020

Gyda thristwch mae’r pwyllgor sioe wedi penderfynu canslo Sioe Cilycwm 2020. Mae effaith Covid-19 yn dal i ddatblygu ac mae’n amlwg nad oes gennym ddewis ond canslo’r sioe. Gobeithio y gwnewch chi gyd gadw’n iach a saff drwy’r cyfnod anodd … Continue reading

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Staying in touch with people in hospital.

Staying in touch with family members or friends in hospital is important, especially during these unprecedented times. Hywel Dda Patient Support Team is helping to maintain the contact between patients and family in a number of ways, such as sharing … Continue reading

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Discretionary Assistance Fund for emergency assistance payments

Families who are experiencing financial hardship and are unable to meet the cost of their immediate needs are able to apply to the Discretionary Assistance Fund for an emergency assistance payment (EAP) which can help with the cost of food, … Continue reading

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