Author Archives: chrisrobertson


PUBLIC NOTICE Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984  As amended by the Road Traffic (Temporary Restrictions Act) 1991 Temporary Prohibition of Through Traffic Carmarthenshire County Council hereby gives notice that from 29th March 2020 no person shall cause any vehicle to … Continue reading

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Cardiac Rehabilitation Service.

If you, a family member or friend have recently been admitted to hospital with a heart problem, or if you have an existing heart condition and would like some specialist advice, our Cardiac Rehabilitation Team are here to help. Just … Continue reading

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Coronavirus support group “Help Llandovery”.

Carmarthenshire County Council have provided details of our nearest Coronavirus support group “Help Llandovery”. This is being run by the Youth Community Services and is providing help and support to Llandovery and the surrounding area. To access help or to … Continue reading

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Carmarthenshire County Council – Connect2 Project

“Carmarthenshire County Council would like to make local residents aware of the CONNECT 2 project, where volunteers can register onto the platform and where those in need can connect with volunteers within their area. Please go to: to access the service.”

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Age Cymru – contact information.

From Peter McIlroy, Practical Services Manager Age Cymru Dyfed For anybody who is struggling during these uncertain times. We have always said ‘no one should have no one to turn to’. We know social distancing and self isolating can be … Continue reading

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Dyfed Powys Police – helplines

Information from Dyfed Powys Police regarding helplines and below is a link to the latest list of the details for Community Support. Since the government imposed social distancing measures, we have seen a decrease in domestic abuse reports.This is concerning … Continue reading

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Rev Ann’s Easter Message

Reverend Ann has recorded a special video message for Easter. Click on the link below to view or download the video.

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Covid 19 Notice.docx CYNGOR CYMUNED CILYCWM COMMUNITY COUNCIL April 2020 In light of the Coronovirus outbreak and the current lock down restrictions a vote was held via email on the 3rd April regarding council meetings and emergency decision making. As … Continue reading

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March newsletter from Hywel Dda Health board

Annwyl Gyfeillion Amgaeir Cylchlythyr mis Mawrth CIC Hywel Dda er gwybodaeth.  Byddwn yn ddiolchgar pe gallech ei rannu gyda’ch grwpiau rhwydweithio ac, os yn bosibl, eu cyhoeddi ar eich gwefan. Mae croeso i chi gysylltu â’r swyddfa os hoffech drafod unrhyw … Continue reading

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They currently have 21 advisers working from home able to answer your questions on the numbers below. We are open Monday – Thursday 9-4 and Friday 9-2.They have dedicated UNIVERSAL CREDIT, WELFARE BENEFITS, DEBT, ENERGY EFFICIENCY and GENERALISTS Lines. (See … Continue reading

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