Author Archives: chrisrobertson


The Minutes for the Community Council Meeting on 7th of January 2020 are now available for download. Please click here.

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Willclickclick clicks again!

Will Theophilus, one of our local photographers, has had his sunrise image published in the South Wales Guardian and on the cover of Y Lloffwr. The image also appears as the current header for the website. Will says “Taken from … Continue reading

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Common or Garden Project – Prosiect Cyffredin ac Ardd

Rydym yn lansio Prosiect Cyffredin ac Ardd i gofnodi chwech rhywogaeth gyffredin y gallwch eu weld yn eich gerddi ac o amgylch Gorllewin Cymru. We are launching a Common or Garden project to record six common species that you may … Continue reading

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Cwm Rhaeadr – car park closed.

“Harvesting work has begun in Cwm Rhaeadr.  Unfortunately due to Health and Safety concerns, (this being in regards to a number of near misses with bike riders on a live harvesting site) we have decided to close the car park at Cwm Rhaeadr.  … Continue reading

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Cilycwm Community Council Agenda – 3rd March 2020

The agenda for the Community Council meeting on 3rd March 2020 is now available. Please click here.

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Cilycwm Community Association AGM Agenda

The AGM for the CCA takes place tonight at the Neuadd at 8.30. Everyone is welcome to attend. This is the Agenda – Annual General Meeting 2020 Date: 25th February August  2020 Venue: Neuadd Fawr Arms Time: 8.30 p.m. Agenda … Continue reading

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Achub Ysbyty Llanymddyfri – Save Llandovery Hospital

Friday 14th February – 3pm-6pm – Castle Hotel, Llandovery

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Mulled Wine and Cheese Evening

Ty Jarman, Cilycwm. Monday 17th Feb. 7.00pm – 9.30pm In aid of St Michael’s Church – suggested donation £6.00 You can download a copy of this poster – please click here.

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Listed Building Fair – POSTPONED – to Sunday 8th March

Ffair Adeiladau Rhestredig – wedi’i gohirio tan ddydd Sul, 8 Mawrth Gohirwyd Ffair Adeiladau Rhestredig oherwydd y rhagolygon tywydd erchyll ddydd Sul. Y dyddiad newydd yw dydd Sul, 8 Mawrth. Rydym yn gobeithio y bydd y digwyddiad hwn yn debyg … Continue reading

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John Milner – an appreciation

John Philip Milner                                                 17 Dec 1922 – 14 Jan 2020 Born in Darlington to Edith and … Continue reading

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