Author Archives: chrisrobertson

TONIGHT! Gymanfa Fodern – Cilycwm Church

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Capel Gosen – Central Wales Line talk.

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Fabulous Felting Christmas Gallery at Abercamlais

Christmas is red and green and all colours in between and lots of sparkle! Please come along to the Fabulous Feltings Christmas gallery at Abercamlais on November 24th and 25th 10.00 – 16.00. Enjoy a coffee and mince pie while … Continue reading

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Mr Chris Robertson is on the Telly!!

  Our own Cilycwm website supremo – Chris Robertson will be appearing on the following show this week. The show is called The Great Model Railway Challenge. It is on Channel Five on Friday at 8.00.  

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Community Council Minutes – 3rd July 2018

Community Council Minutes – 3rd July 2018 The CCC Minutes for 3rd July 2018 are now available on the website. Please click here.

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Pleidleisiwch dros y dderwen / Vote for Pwllpriddog oak

I bleidleisio, ewch i’r linc ar waelod  –  To Vote, go to the link at the bottom Pwllpriddog Oak, Rhandirmwyn, Blaenau Tywi Coeden Gymreig y Flwyddyn, 2018  /  Woodland Trust – Tree of the Year, 2018 Standing in a hedgerow … Continue reading

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Cwrdd Diolchgarwch / Harvest Thanksgiving

  Dyma rai o wasanaethau’r ardal  /  These are some of the services in the area. Eglwys Cilycwm Church 19/9/2018 – Ven. Dorrien Davies – 7pm Capel Bwlchyrhiw, Rhandirmwyn 28/9/2018 – Parch Judith Morris – 6.30pm Capel Soar, Tynewydd, Cilycwm … Continue reading

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Cynhaeafu coed Merchon, Gwenlais a Neuadd – Timber Harvesting in Merchon, Gwenlais and Neuadd woods

Timber Harvesting in Merchon, Gwenlais and Neuadd woods Over the next few months a local company, Cothi Harvesting Ltd, will be harvesting timber in the Natural Resources Wales woods to the north of Cilycwm via Penstacan lane.  As a gesture … Continue reading

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Capel Gosen, Cynghordy – Harvest Hymns.

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Waste Amnesty – This Saturday – 15/9/2018 – Dydd Sadwrn yma

Llandovery Mart Most household waste can be taken along to a waste and tyre amnesty – including unwanted furniture, carpets, mattresses, electrical items such as fridge-freezers and televisions.  Garden waste accepted. A maximum of four domestic tyres can also be … Continue reading

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