Author Archives: chrisrobertson

Anghenion Tai Gwledig – Have your say! – Rural housing needs:

English below.  

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Community Council Minutes – 15th May 2018

The Community Council Minutes from the 15th May 2018 meeting are now available. Please click here.

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Atgofion ddoe (1983) / Rhandirmwyn (1983), a rare glimpse of the past

  Cefn Gwlad tua 1983 – Dan Theophilus, Galltyrerw , Rhandirmwyn.  2 episodes of Cefn Gwlad. copiwch neu cliciwch ar y linc  / copy or click on the link Hen grefftau    /   Crafts and traditions from the last … Continue reading

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Heart of Wales 150th Celebrations at Llandovery Station 1st July.

Llandovery Station 150th Celebrations  On Sunday 1st July, Friends of Llandovery Station are holding an open day celebration on Llandovery Station and in the Station Café. This free event is being organised to mark the 150 year birthday of the … Continue reading

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Cilycwm Community Council Agenda for 3rd July 2018

The agenda for the Community Council Meeting on 3rd July is now available. Please click here.

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Waste and Tyre Amnesty

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Gritfest cycling event in Glangwenlais 23rd June, 2018

  Y Penwythnos yma yng Nglangwenlais  /  This weekend in Glangwenlais. Two day off road cycling event HOME

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Gwastraff cartref / Household waste 23/6/2018

  Llandovery Mart – recycling of some household waste.  Saturday, 23/6/2018.  8am till 12 noon.  Hopefully link will work for extra information. Mart Llandyfri – ail gylchu rhai eitemau o wastraff cartref.  Dydd Sadwrn, 23/6/2018

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Llandovery Folk Dancing Midsummer Twmpath – June 15th

Llandovery Folk Dancing Midsummer Twmpath – June 15th Crannog Ceilidh Band Mydffai Community Hall

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New date for the Party in the Park – July 14th

Change of date Party in the Park, Cilycwm. July 14th 2pm to 5 pm Entrance £2 , children free. Barbecue, Tea/Coffee, Cakes, Games, BringnBuy stalls and more …

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