Author Archives: chrisrobertson

Cilycwm Community Council – Exercise of Elector’s Rights.

Notice of Appointment of Date for the Exercise of Elector’s Rights. This Notice has been posted in the Community Council Notices page. Please click here.

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Cymanfa Ganu (nos Sul yma) / Singing Festival (this Sunday evening)

Cymanfa Ganu – 3/6/2018 – Capel Soar, Tynewydd .     7.30.    Singing Festival. Eitemau gan aelodau CFfI Sir Gâr.     /     Items by Carms. YFC members. Casgliad at Cymdeithas CGD ac Ysbyty Llandyfri   /  A collection towards CGD … Continue reading

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“Our big NHS Change” proposals for Carmarthenshire

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Community Council Minutes

The Minutes of the Community Council AGM and Council Meeting on 6th March 2018 are now on the website. Please click here.

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Dewch i’r Bore Coffi / Coffee Morning, Saturday 2nd of June in Tÿ Jarman

Bore Coffi dydd Sadwrn yr ail o Fehefin yn Tÿ Jarman Coffee Morning in Tÿ Jarman, 2/6/2018   – please click on the link    Mair and Tegwyn’s coffee morning      

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Galwch i mewn / Community Council pop in session – this Thursday 7pm. Give your opinion on the future of Community Councils.

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Sioe Cilycwm Show – Classes for this year’s Show (more to follow)

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Clerc Cyngor Cymuned / Community Council Clerk Vacancy

CYNGOR CYMUNED     CILYCWM    COMMUNITY COUNCIL Hysbyseb Swydd     /     Forthcoming Vacancy CLERC A SWYDDOG CYLLID    /     CLERK AND RESPONSIBLE FINANCIAL OFFICER                               … Continue reading

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Llyfrgell Symudol / Mobile Library (change of day)

Please note – The Mobile Library service will now be in the village on Mondays from 10 – 11 a.m  Please support and keep this community service active.  Use it or LOSE IT. Sylwer – Fe fydd y Llyfrgell Symudol ym … Continue reading

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Bore Coffi / Coffee Morning in Castle Hotel, Llandovery

Bore Coffi / Coffee Morning in Castle Hotel, Llandovery.  Friday 25th May, 10 till 12 Raising funds for Alzheimer’s Society. For further info. – 01550 779004

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