Author Archives: chrisrobertson

Family History enquiry regarding the Jones family from Gwalrhedyn

Rebecca is seeking information about the Jones family; The farmer David Jones in your article about Gwalrhedyn, who died in 1820 aged 36, is my 4 x great-grandfather. I would like to see his Will… I’ve searched for it on the … Continue reading

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Community Council Agendas – 15th May 2018

The Agendas for the Community Council Meeting and Annual Meeting on 15th May 2018 are now available. Please click here.

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Sheep stolen / Defaid wedi’u dwyn

  THEFT ALERT!!! SHEEP THEFT in the Cynghordy area between 28/04 and 29/04 – if you have any information please reply to the Police Station.   Diolch / Thank you. Helen Fender SCC Yr Heddlu 8113 / Police CSO 8113 … Continue reading

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American visitors researching their roots / Ymwelwyr yn chwilio gwreiddiau y teulu.

Marie and Margie from near Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania visiting Galltybere recently.  They have in their possession a Bible from William Thomas, Galltybere dated 1794.

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Upper Tywi valley forest industry drop-in

Sesiwn galw heibio diwydiant coedwigaeth dyffryn Tywi Uchaf Upper Tywi valley forest industry drop-in The Royal Oak, Rhandirmwyn 9 Mai 2018 9th May 2018 2.00pm – 7.00pm Lluniaeth am ddim Free refreshments Fe’ch gwahoddir i’r cyfarfod ymgysylltu cymunedol hwn i … Continue reading

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NHS Drop-in Event

The Drop in Events offer an opportunity to discuss ‘The big NHS Change’ proposals for the counties of Carmarthenshire, Ceredigion and Pembrokeshire. Edited with BlogPad Pro

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Information on Church Memorial / Gwybodaeth ynghylch Cofeb yn yr Eglwys

First we’d like to thank Sara for her tour round Cilycwm last Saturday. It was very interesting indeed. Secondly, could someone tell us what relation Daniel Jones – splendid memorial on S. wall of church – was to David Jones, … Continue reading

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Quad bike thefts in the area.

Hi All   We’ve had another QUAD bike theft on Friday from the Llanwrda area and we are likely to have more attempts. Please be aware and check your security. Can you also please report suspicious vehicles/activity so we can … Continue reading

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Public Meeting at Pumpsaint, Pumsaint on Tuesday 24th April 2018

Rwy’n eich e-bostio ar ran y Comisiynydd yr Heddlu a Throseddu gyda gwahoddiad i chi fynychu cyfarfod cyhoeddus sydd wedi cael ei threfnu yn eich ardal gan swyddfa’r Comisiynydd.   Mae’r cyfarfod cyhoeddus yn cael ei gynnal yn Neuadd Y … Continue reading

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CILYCWM COMMUNITY COUNCIL – Hysbyseb Swydd – Forthcoming Vacancy

CYNGOR CYMUNED CILYCWM COMMUNITY COUNCIL Hysbyseb Swydd     –      Forthcoming Vacancy CLERC A SWYDDOG CYLLID CLERK AND RESPONSIBLE FINANCIAL OFFICER Am fwy o wybodaeth, cysylltwch gyda For further information, please contact Mrs P.A. Jones Tel : 01550 720454

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