Author Archives: chrisrobertson

Cyngor Cymuned Cilycwm Community Council – Agenda and Notice of Co-Option

Cyngor Cymuned Cilycwm Community Council The Agenda for 20th September 2016 is now available – please click here. There is also a Notice of Co-Option for the North Ward. – please click here.

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Tom Theophilus, 1931-2016 – a tribute.

Colli Tom Theophilus, 1931-2016 Syfrdanwyd a thristawyd trigolion cylch eang gyda cholli’r Cynghorydd Tom Theophilus mor ddirybudd ar 5 Gorffennaf ac yntau’n 84 mlwydd oed. Yn enedigol o ardal Rhandir-mwyn bu Tom yn ffermio ym Mallaen, Cil-y-cwm ac yn gweithio … Continue reading

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Conclusion of Council Audit – 2016

The Notice of Conclusion of Audit is now available. Please click here to view.

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Public Question Time for CCC candidates

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Cilycwm Sioe 2106 photos

We have a new page of photos from the 2016 Show, sent in by Will Theophilus. Click here to see the page. If you have photos of the Show please send them in.

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Community Video Cameras page.

The Cilycwm Community Association has three video cameras and are keen that they should enjoy a wider community use. We have added a page to the website which contains full details of the cameras, with user manuals etc. Click here … Continue reading

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Cil y Cwm Community Association – Notice of Vacancy

Cil y Cwm Community Association – notice of vacancy. The Community Association are looking for someone to be the Company Secretary following Thelma Stenning standing down. If you are interested in finding out more please contact Fay Wielochowska, Thelma Stenning or … Continue reading

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Cil y Cwm Community Association – AGM Minutes

Cil y Cwm Community Association – AGM Minutes The minutes from the 2015 AGM held on the 23rd August 2016 are availabe for download. Please click here.  

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Notice of Vacancy on Cilycwm Community Council

Notice of Vacancy on Cilycwm Community Council – North Ward

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Change of date for CCA AGM

The date of the Cil y Cwm Community Association has had to be changed. The CCA AGM will be held at the Neuadd on Tuesday August 23rd 2016

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