Author Archives: chrisrobertson

Ras yr Iaith – Race for the Language

Mae Ras yr Iaith yn ddigwyddiad unigryw sy’n hybu’r iaith Gymraeg, ac yn gwneud hynny mewn ffordd ddifyr a chyffrous. Mae’r ras eleni yn cael ei chynnal yma yn Llanymddyfri a bydd yn ymweld â gwahanol drefi o fewn Sir … Continue reading

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Lightning over Cilycwm

Rhys Theophilus captured this lightning bolt during the intense storm a week Friday last. He took it on the SLO-MO video function of his iPhone6, and on replay, was able to take a freeze frame from that. From his front window, … Continue reading

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Become a Dementia Friend event on 13th July.

Dementia Friends gives people an understanding of dementia and the small things you can do that make a difference. 13th July 2016 at Llandovery Y.M.C.A. 6.30 pm to 7.30 pm Anyone of every age can be a Dementia Friend and … Continue reading

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Red Squirrels in Capel y Groes!

Don’t forget the Meeting tonight. The Mid Wales Red squirrel project has a Drop-in Event in Cilycwm in the Capel y Groes Vestry on Wednesday 18th May at 7pm.  We will be spreading the word about red squirrels and the conservation … Continue reading

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CCC Minutes – 2015 AGM and 15th March

CYNGOR CYMUNED CILYCWM COMMUNITY COUNCIL The Minutes from the 2015 AGM and the meeting on 15th March 2016 are now available. Click here for the 2015 AGM Click here for the 15th March 2016 Minutes

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Red squirrel project Drop-in in the Capel y Groes Vestry on 18th May at 7pm.

The Mid Wales Red squirrel project has a Drop-in Event in Cilycwm in the Capel y Groes Vestry on Wednesday 18th May at 7pm.  We will be spreading the word about red squirrels and the conservation effort, as well as … Continue reading

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The Agendas for the Annual Meeting and the Council Meeting to be held on the 17th of May 2016 are now available for download. For the Annual Meeting – click here For the Council Meeting – click here

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Nestboxes in the Recreation Field copse.

A month or so ago Dick Turner put up some nestboxes in the little copse by the recreation field. The boxes came from a batch of second hand nest boxes provided by Roger Hemmings  and were originally intended for mice and … Continue reading

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New wildlife photos in the Photo Gallery.

Will Theophilus and Richard Turner have sent in new photos of wildlife, taken in the area. Will spotted an adder and Dick has added many more birds. Click here to visit the Local Wildlife Gallery.

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Community Council Audit Notices

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