Author Archives: chrisrobertson

St Michael’s Churchyard wall.

St Michael’s Churchyard wall. There will be an Open Meeting at The Neuadd Arms, Cil y Cwm Monday 19th October at 8.30 pm To explain the work proposed to protect the front wall of the Churchyard.

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MacMillan Coffee Morning at Rhydwydd – outcome

Audrey Price, Rhydwydd, is delighted to announce that the total amount collected during her MacMillan Coffee Morning on 25th September came to £645. Audrey would like to thank all those involved in setting up the morning and all those who … Continue reading

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GRŴP DOLYDD SIR GAERFYRDDIN Cyfarfod yr hydref – 24 Hydref, 10:30-13:00 yn Neuadd Pontargothi Lansiwyd Grŵp Dolydd Sir Gaerfyrddin yng Ngardd Fotaneg Genedlaethol Cymru ym mis Mawrth. Nod y grŵp yw creu cymuned ledled y sir lle mae pobl yn … Continue reading

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AGINCOURT 600 AND LLANDOVERY HISTORY SOCIETY Present an illustrated talk “King Harry’sWelshmen” Welsh involvement in Henry V’s expedition to France in 1415. by Bryan Davies Founder Member of the Owain Lawgoch Society and Member of Agincourt 600 Cymru – Wales … Continue reading

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Cyngor Cymuned Cil y Cwm Community Council

Summary of accounting statements for the year ended 31 March 2015 The Summary is now available for download – please click here.

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Cyngor Cymuned Cil y Cwm Community Council

There are three new documents relating to Community Council Business. The Minutes  of the meeting held at Capel y Groes Vestry on Tuesday 14th July 2015 at 7.30 p.m are available for download – please click here. The Accounting statements … Continue reading

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Dechrau Canu-Dechrau Canmol

Dechrau Canu-Dechrau Canmol will be televised this coming Sunday evening, 27 Sept, at 7pm on S4C. This was the programme recorded by S4C last June at Cilycwm.  It will be in three instalments, the others being on 17th of April … Continue reading

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Contacting old friends and acquaintances.

We recently received this message; I have been trying to track an old teacher of mine. Her name is Stephanie Jones, married to Brynlie Jones and lived in Pumpsaint when I was a pupil at Llandovery College in 1990. I … Continue reading

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Cilycwm Community Council – Agenda for 15 Sept.2015

Cilycwm Community Council The agenda for 15th September 2015 can now be dowloaded. Please click here.

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More Sioe/Show photos

More photos from the 2015 Cil y Cwm Show have been added. They are on the Show 2015 page – click here.

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