Author Archives: chrisrobertson

Sioe Cil y Cwm Show – Gardening competition

The details of the pre-show Gardening competition have been added to the site on the Cilycwm Show 2015 page and below. Pre-Show Gardening Competition 2015  Local Gardens only (3 miles radius of Cil y Cwm Square) Small Garden Large Garden Vegetable … Continue reading

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Community Council Minutes

The Minutes for the Community Council Meetings in January and February are now available for download. January – Click here February – Click here

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Grwp Dolydd Sir Gaerfyrddin – Carmarthenshire Meadows Group

A ydych am reoli eich glaswelltiroedd er mwyn hybu bywyd gwyllt? A ydych yn ansicr ynghylch sut mae gwneud hynny? A ydych yn brin o dda byw, offer neu wybodaeth i’ch helpu i wneud hynny? Do you want to manage … Continue reading

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Community Council Meeting 21st April

Community Council Meeting 21st April 2015 The agenda for the Community Council Meeting on the 21st April 2015 is now available for download. Click here.

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Book launch Party at Ty Jarman

Book launch Party at Ty Jarman 9th May 2015 15.30 – 18.00 To celebrate the launch of Dick Turner’s book series “The Vandervelde Documents” you are invited to enjoy free drinks and snacks, listen to him reading from the books, argue, ask … Continue reading

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Neuadd Arms updated website

Sandra Hughes has updated the website for the village pub and we have added it to the list of local links on our front page, bottom right. Click here to visit the site.

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Cheese and Wine Evening

A Cheese and Wine Evening at Ty Jarman April 14th 2015 In support of St Michael’s Church, Cil-y-Cwm From 7.30 to 9.30

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Bobath Coffee Morning raises £746

The Coffee Morning at Myddfai village hall on 28th March raised the grand total of £746 for Bobath, the organisation providing therapy for children with cerebral palsy – click here for more information. Many thanks to all who contributed to … Continue reading

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Mimi returns.

Sara Fox writes – Mimi appeared at the back door this evening with some injuries consistent with a run in with a car, we’ve been to the vet for some painkillers and he’ll treat her in the morning – meanwhile … Continue reading

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Julie and James contact details?

Do you know where Julie & James moved on to after they left the village pub? Have they moved to another pub? I’d really appreciate any help. My wife had some amazing venison cooked by James and we’d really like … Continue reading

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