Author Archives: chrisrobertson

Missing Mimi.

Sara Fox writes – our 7 year old black cat Mimi disappeared from 2 Tremcelynog near Rhandirmwyn on Saturday night – if people could call Sara or Tom on 01550 760 220 

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A new author in the village!

Richard (Dick) Turner has become a published author. His book series The Vandervelde Documents has been published by Cambria Books. He has written a blog about the experience. The books are available from Cambria Books.

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Blaenau Tywi, Enwau yn y tirwedd – Names in the landscape

Blaenau Tywi, Enwau yn y tiwedd – Names in the landscape The research work carried out in compiling this volume can now be accessed online.  The website includes material not included in the book.  It is hoped to continually feed … Continue reading

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Gemma Davis writes about Apathy

Gemma Davis has submitted and article about Apathy in small Welsh villages. You can read about the article here and you can leave your comments about it at the bottom of the page.

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Crynodeb Newyddion – News Round-up

Three items of Local Interest. Bobath Coffee Morning at Myddfai Hall on Saturday 28th March from 10-12. See below for more information. Have you lost a beautiful Tabby cat? He/she arrived at Dolgoy just before Christmas. Contact 721380 between 9 … Continue reading

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Oli has been found!

OLI HAS BEEN FOUND this Sunday night. He’s in good shape. Thanks for your kind support to those of you  who replied to the initial message. Neil & Terry.

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Oli has gone missing.

OUR CAT OLI – missing since Wednes eve 18th Feb – who has been a familiar of Cilycwm for 12 years, making himself known to the pupils and staff of Cilycwm school and frequently visiting the Neuadd. He is a … Continue reading

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Cil-y-cwm Play Area – Meeting

Cilycwm Play Area Meeting on Wednesday 25th February 2015 at 7.30pm at the Neuadd Arms Cilycwm Everyone is welcome to attend Agenda: Welcome Play Area Update Finances Fund raising ideas Ideas for Maintenance Retirement of present Committee Election of new … Continue reading

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More information about Dafydd Davis can be found at the bottom of the page. CYMDEITHAS MYNYDDOEDD CAMBRIA YN CYFLWYNO DARLITH GOFFA DAFYDD DAFIS CYMRU: O Ben y Mynydd i’r Môr Sgwrs ddarluniadol gan y darlledwr a Llywydd Cymdeithas Mynyddoedd Cambria  … Continue reading

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The agenda for the Community Council Meeting on Tuesday 24th February is now available for download. Please click here.

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