Author Archives: chrisrobertson

Cwm Rhaeadr update.

  Mae gwaith cynaeafu wedi cael ei ohirio, ond gall gychwyn ym mis Tachwedd gan ddibynnu ar y tywydd. Harvesting operations have been postponed, but may begin in November depending on weather conditions.  

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Family History Enquiry

If anyone can help I have the email address. Does anyone know where Porthyrhyd Cottage is/used to be? According to the 1851 census my 5x great grandfather Benjamin Thomas a retired farmer was living there. There were also two other … Continue reading

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Family history enquiry

In response to enquiry posted 14 August from Jennifer Rees I would be grateful if you could forward the following (email link from website is not working):- My husband’s family tree includes ancestors who lived in and around Cilycwm. We … Continue reading

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Can anyone help this enquiry?

I’m searching for my families roots and they lived in Cil Y cwm. Daniel Davies my GGGGrandfather 1773 – about 1854 farmed at Penrhyn,followed by his sons William 1810 and Daniel 1814 – 1871. I visited Cil y cwm yesterday … Continue reading

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Sheep attacked at Rhydwydd.

Dogs have attacked sheep on fields at Rhydwydd killing several and injuring many more. Sheep have been attacked many times over the last few weeks and Audrey Price, the owner of the land, has notified the police each time. If you … Continue reading

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Cau dros dro Cwm Rhaeadr temporary closure.

  (For English, scroll down). BYDD GWAITH CYNAEAFU’N CYCHWYN YM MIS MEDI – CWESTIYNAU AC ATEBION PAM RYDYM YN TORRI’R COED I LAWR? Mae’r coed yn cael eu teneuo. Bydd hyn yn rhoi mwy o le iddynt dyfu, a mynd … Continue reading

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Cil-y-Cwm Show / Sioe 2014

The schedule for the Cil-y-Cwm Show / Sioe 2014 is now available to download as a PDF. It contains everything you need to know to prepare for the grand event. Click here to download. (18Mb.)

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CCC Minutes 20th May 2014

CCC Minutes 20th May are now available. Please click here.

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Canrif yn ôl / A century ago, Sioe Cil-y-cwm Show

  On  11 September 1914, Carmarthen Journal and South Wales Weekly Advertiser reported – CILYCWM Cilycwm holds the distinction of being one of the few places locally whose annual show fell on a date subsequent to the declaration of war … Continue reading

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Community Action for Red Squirrels

The Mid Wales Red Squirrel Partnership is holding an event at the Royal Oak Inn in Rhandirmwyn on Saturday 26th July at 2pm. The event will include a general introduction to red squirrels in mid Wales and give information about … Continue reading

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