Author Archives: chrisrobertson

The future of policing – you can help

  Dear Watch Member, The Police and Crime Commissioner for Dyfed Powys is looking for people who can spare some time to share their opinions, observations and ideas to help the police force work with communities in the years to … Continue reading

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‘Blaenau Tywi – Enwau yn y tirwedd – Names in the Landscape’

The Upper Tywi History Group have finished the book ‘Blaenau Tywi – Enwau yn y tirwedd – Names in the Landscape’ and are in the process of distributing copies.

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Ysgol Cil-y-cwm: the future of the school

Once it became known that Cilycwm School was in the process of closing, a working group was formed to assess the possibility of the School and School House buildings becoming a community facility for the residents of Cilycwm and the … Continue reading

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Cilycwm Dressers

Dafydd tomos found this in the Antiques Trades Gazette:

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Hairdressing service in Rhandirmwyn

This item from Sarah Rees was left as a comment on one of the Neighbourhood watch posts. We don’t do a newsletter but are happy to publicise anything of local interest, as long as it….(usual mantra)…isn’t abusive or obscene. could … Continue reading

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Free Home Security Checks

Dear Watch Member, Dyfed Powys police are continuing their determination to reduce crime by offering free home security checks to persons over 60 years.  Please consider referring a family member, a friend or neighbour or an elderly person living alone that … Continue reading

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Dogs and Cwm Rhaeadr

We’ve had a comment in the “Guestbook” page from Geraint Lewis complaining about local dogs being allowed to foul the All Abilities Trail: “On a recent family visit to Cwm Raeader we were most dissapointed to witness locals walking dogs … Continue reading

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Windfarms – a divisive subject

The view has been expressed that because we publicised the meeting about potential windfarm development on Monday 17th this represents the view of the Cilycwm Community Association.  It is true that the CCA support our website, but they do so … Continue reading

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Criminal Damage in Rhandirmwyn

Dear Watch Member, Criminal damage has been caused to a windown of a house in Rhandirmwyn. The offence is believed to have occured between 12:00hrs on Saturday the 15th of March 2014 and 01:30hrs on Sunday the 16th March 2014. … Continue reading

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Sioe Cil-y-cwm Show Pre-Show Gardening Competition

Sioe Cil-y-cwm Show Pre-Show Gardening Competition 2014 Local gardens only (3 miles radius of Cil-y-cwm) Small garden Large Garden Vegetable Garden/Patch Glass House/Polytunnel Container Window Box Hanging Basket Entries Close 1st July 2014 Judging last week in July. Please send … Continue reading

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