Author Archives: chrisrobertson

Zoom sessions for the over-50’s.

Carmarthenshire 50+ Forum are currently running a project supplying Zoom sessions to interested people over the age of 50. The sessions are live streamed to a local youth club so that we can chat with each other after the session. … Continue reading

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Parking Scam warning and Fly Tipping Notice.

Two warning notices have been sent to us for publication. Penalty Charge Notice scam warning from Heddlu Dyfed-Powys Advice regarding Fly Tipping from

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CYNGOR CYMUNED CILYCWM COMMUNITY COUNCIL CLERC a SWYDDOG CYLLID/ CLERK and RESPONSIBLE FINANCIAL OFFICER (Swydd rhan amser / part-time job) Am fwy o wybodaeth cysylltwch a/ For further information contact Matthew Paul: Ffôn – (07949) 472525 e-bost – … Continue reading

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Cymorth i wella Cysylltedd band eang / Support to improve broadband connectivity

English below. Unrhyw ymholiad, cysylltwch â Ceri Jenkins / Any queries, please contact Ceri Jenkins. Cymorth i wella Cysylltedd band eang Ydy eich cymuned yn gweld hi’n anodd i gael band eang cyflym? Os felly, mae’n bosib gall preswylwyr a … Continue reading

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Emergency Road Closure

An Emergency Road Closure has had to take place on the U4180, from Rhandirmwyn, Llandovery Below is a map of the alternative route. No access will be available. I apologise for any inconvenience caused. Yn Gywir/Regards, Mrs. Claire Green Technegydd … Continue reading

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Cyfarfod Cyngor Cymuned… Cilycwm…Community Council meeting

AGENDA – English follows below… Bydd cyfarfod yn cael ei gynnal yn yr awyr agored ar Fferm Penlan ddydd Mawrth 8fed Medi am 6:30yp. Bydd rheolau pellter cymdeithasol llym yn berthnasol. Gall aelodau’r cyhoedd fynychu o bell trwy Dimau Microsoft. … Continue reading

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Police Warning – Scam – Rhybudd wrth yr Heddlu

Gift Card Scam being Targeted at Councillors. Warning from Detective Constable Gareth Jordan from the Cyber Crime Unit at Dyfed Powys Police HQ, Carmarthen We have been having a number of calls stating councillors are emailing constituents asking for Gift … Continue reading

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Cilycwm Community Council – Annual Meeting Agenda 8th Sept.2020

The Agenda for the CCC Annual Meeting is now available. Please click here.

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Notices from Cyngor Cymuned Cilycwm Community Council;

Annual Return for year ended 31 March 2020 To download the Notice please click here. Supplementary Information to 2019-2020 Audit To download the Notice – please click here Cilycwm Community Council Summary of receipts and Payments 2019/2020 – part 1 … Continue reading

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Cwm Rhaeadr

Y sefyllfa ynghylch mynediad i Gwm Rhaeadr – datganiad gan Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru……….. The situation regarding access to Cycle Trails and access for the public etc in Cwm Rhaeadr – a statement from Natural Resources Wales “Initial clearing work of … Continue reading

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