Author Archives: chrisrobertson

J P Williams tribute

William Theophilus has written a moving and amusing tribute to one of Cilycwm’s great characters who died in April. It’s under “History”, or click here:  J P Williams

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Not the Royal Wedding – John and Vanessa

This is where you can see all William Theophilus’ photos of the big day: wedding pictures

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Gwyl Bro Dinefwr – peidiwch â phoeni

Peidiwch â phoeni – mae gweithgareddau’r penwythnos a’r prynhawn o hwyl i’r teulu dan do, felly ni fydd y glaw yn effeithio dim ar drefniadau Gwyl Bro Dinefwr! Edrychwn ymlaen i’ch gweld penwythnos yma gyda’ch ymbarel!! (Don’t worry – the … Continue reading

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Gwyl Bro Dinefwr programme change

Message from mission control: Yn anffodus ni fydd Platform 1 yn gallu bod gyda ni dros y penwythnos, ond newyddion da mi fydd Breichiau Hir yn perfformio yn ei lle! Cofiwch ddod i’w gweld! (Unfortunately Platform 1 can’t do the … Continue reading

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Gwyl Bro Dinefwr

See events for full line-up. Fingers crossed for the weather! GLANGWENLAIS CIL-Y-CWM BAR HWYR – BWYD – GWERSYLLA Tocyn Penwythnos – £20 cyn 22/6/2012 Nos Wener – £10 ymlaen llaw neu cyn 9pm (£12 ar ol 9pm) Nos Sadwrn – … Continue reading

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A Garden Before the Garden

Recent work on the historic landscapes of the National Botanic Garden of Wales Red Dragon captained by Henry Middleton during the second voyage of the East India Company 1604-05 Professor David Austin, from the University of Wales Trinity Saint David, … Continue reading

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Cilycwm actor in west-end lead

It was a proud moment for Cilycwm residents Bjarte and Machteld Haugen when their son Francis, who had been understudying the lead in the new West End production of “Singin’ in the Rain”, was told during the interval that the … Continue reading

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Planning application in Rhandirmwyn

Ref: Planning Application E/26538 Planning Application for The Camping & Caravanning Club in Rhandirmwyn Description of proposal as outlined on the application is as follows: SITE IMPROVEMENTS INCLUDING THE CONVERSION OF 10 EXISTING GRASS PITCHES TO HARDSTANDINGS, THE RESURFACING OF … Continue reading

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Gold award for Henllys Lodge

As part of the free service we offer to local business, we are happy to put stories like this in the News page. Perhaps it might encourage a few more to advertise with us? In this case Lise Dulkniak, owner … Continue reading

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Dangerous quagmire at Llyn Brianne

We’ve had a message from Lucy Morgan from Llanon, Ceredigion, who was having a picnic overlooking the lake yesterday (Saturday 12th). She walked away from the road and sank up to her thighs in mud! Luckily her friend was able … Continue reading

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