Author Archives: chrisrobertson

Community Health Council – Winter Planning 2020 Survey – Arolwg Cynllunio Gaeaf 2020

Community Health Council – Winter Planning 2020 Survey What will your winter care be like for you or your loved ones? The Community Health Council want to hear what matters to you about your own health and care and the … Continue reading

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Sunday Services resume at At St Michael’s

St Michael’s Church, Cilycwm. Sunday services now at 10.30 until further notice..Everyone is we hope to see you there.

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Thunderbolts and lightning – willclikclik strikes again

Local photographer, Will Theophilus, managed to capture some of the amazing lightning that we saw this week. Will captured these shots, using timed exposures, from the same location as our other local photographer, Dafydd Tomos, took the rainbow shot that … Continue reading

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Cymorth i wella Cysylltedd band eang – Support to improve broadband connectivity

Cymorth i wella Cysylltedd band eang Ydy eich cymuned yn gweld hi’n anodd i gael band eang cyflym? Os felly, mae’n bosib gall preswylwyr a busnesau fod yn gymwys i uwchraddio eu band eang Mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi cyhoeddi’n ddiweddar … Continue reading

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Age Cymru seeks older people’s views of the Covid 19 lockdown

Below are the details of the Covid-19 Survey of Older People in Wales that was instigated by Cymru Older Peoples Alliance and that we have been working closely with Age Cymru to make a reality. It has issued today.  The … Continue reading

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Notice of date appointed for the Public Audit

Notice of date appointed for the exercise of electors’ rights under the Public Audit (Wales) Act 2004 Cilycwm Community Council Financial year ended 31 March 2020 Date of announcement 10th August 2020 Each year the annual accounts are audited by … Continue reading

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CCC AGM postponed.

“Cilycwm Community Council’s AGM was rescheduled to take place remotely on Tuesday July 21st via Microsoft Teams. However unfortunately due to more technical difficulties this could not go ahead. It has now been decided to postpone the AGM until further … Continue reading

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Community Council Minutes available.

The Minutes of the Cilycwm Community Council Special Meeting to Consider Changes to the Penstacaan BOAT (Byeway open to All Traffic) and the Council Meeting on Tuesday 3rd March are now available. Special Meeting on 4th Feb. 2020. Please Click … Continue reading

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More Comet Neowise images

Dick Turner has sent in his images of Comet Neowise, taken the same evening as Wilclikclik. Dick says – “I was awake at midnight so thought I would have a go. It was amazingly easy to see with the naked … Continue reading

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Comet Neowise over Cwmcroiddur Wood

Local photographer Wilclikclik managed to photograph Comet Neowise as it passed last night. Will says “A feeble attempt to photograph the Neowise comet I admit, but cloudy skies have had a part to play in recent weeks and the unusually … Continue reading

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