Air ambulance lands in Cilycwm

This afternoon (good Friday) at around 5pm the bright red Air Ambulance helicopter circled the village a few times getting lower and lower and then, much to the amazement of the dozen or so people who had come out to watch, it gently landed on the sports field throwing up all sorts of bits into the air as it did so.

A few minutes later the motor ambulance arrived with a young boy from the village who had burnt his hand on a mower exhaust. According to his dad, the burn was not too serious, but evidently the ground ambulance is not as a rule considered quick enough for burns, so within 10 minutes or he and his mum were up past the trees and off to Morriston Hospital in Swansea. We hope he makes a quick recovery with no lasting damage.

If anyone has better pictures and more information please get in touch.

waiting for the patienttake off for Swansealanding

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2 Responses to Air ambulance lands in Cilycwm

  1. carrie smith says:

    owain (aka fingers) is fine a lot of drama for what i now know are superficial burns , cannot fault the service of ambulance and helli crew 1st class treatment . my thanks to all involved , great view up there .

    • Lily Williams says:

      When I called the ambulance service I certainly did not expect the air ambulance to drop by!
      What an amazing service. It’s comforting to know that we can get such great help so quickly to a rural area.
      Most importantly, Owain will be fine!

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