Plant thief at large?

Matt Davies reports the loss of a large garden pot planted with flowers – and who was the strange figure lurking in the field who ran off when challenged?

Burglars are supposed to go for stuff they can easily re-sell. This person seems to have gone for the heavy stuff – not only the plant pot but some dressed stone.

Has anyone else lost anything? Should we be on the lookout for suspicious strangers in the village? Are we too trusting here?

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6 Responses to Plant thief at large?

  1. Mike Galvin says:

    Further to my comment on plant theft a pick up lorry pulled up outside a building site early in the morning as people were passing on their way to work, a gang of men got out fully dressed in flourecent work clothing …dismantled the scafolding loaded it into the lorry and drove off Hampshire Police are asking the public to come forward with discription’s of the men and vehicle meanwhile scrap metal yards are being raided to look for the equipment including ladders and boards all are marked with green paint on the ends, a spokesman for the building firm said the theft was worth several thousand pounds.

  2. Mike Galvin says:

    Living in a town (Southampton) this is a common occurance not only plants and ornaments we have regular theft of garden furniture ie; plastic chairs and tables which if you are desperate enough the local re-cycling depot have stacks, we live in a close and one night a van positioed itself at the entrance and a gang emptied out a garage previous to this 2 suspects were seen during the day and the van was seen leaving by a neighbour on hearing a noise when he visited the LOO both were reported ..also a woman was seen at night loading a small van with hanging plants again reported but no arrests were made

  3. Matt D says:

    Thanks for the info Matt, looks like it wasn’t our plat pot, but thanks all the same for the heads up regarding happenings in central Cilycwm

  4. Richard Turner says:

    This looks like a dastardly plot to confuse people called Matthew! – or perhaps to confuse those of us who aren’t called Matthew. Can’t wait to see if this is really the missing pot.

  5. Matt D says:

    Indeed, thanks for highlighting this Dick. Not so much the cost of the items that are the frustrating things, but the issue of people on the lookout to pinch stuff for the village during working hours! Working from home I do occasionally see the odd stranger loitering or having a look at fields in the locality and asking after scrap, etc.

    • Matt P says:

      Hi Matt, we had a flower pot turn up outside our house during the weekend.
      We were both away and when I came back it was just there outside the house.

      We haven’t moved it at all and thought it a bit odd. If it is yours, then by all means take it back.

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