Barbecue – Llandovery and Myddfai Parish Youth Group

Llandovery and Myddfai Parish Youth Group

Invites you to our


For young people, their Friends and their Families, a chance to get to know the present
youth group and the leaders and to see where we meet and what we do. A great way to
start the new Youth group year and to welcome those |ust starting at secondary school.

In the garden and the barn at
the Tonn, Cilycwm Road on Friday 7th September
From 6.30pm
Please bring a salad or a pudding it you wish.
RSVP:Eirian and Nicola Edwards 01550 720700 or
Ian and Judith Aveson 01550 720524
There will also be news of a new ‘Christianity Explored‘ course starting this autumn-
an informal opportunity For adults to look at the basics of the Christian Faith.

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