Cilycwm Film Project / Prosiect ffilm

Ysgol Gynradd Wirfoddol Rheoledig Cilycwm,


Llanymddyfri ,

Sir Gaerfyrddin .

SA20 OSR .

(01550 720714


Prosiect ffilm / Film prosiect




Bydd 2 sesiwn yn cael ei gynnal ddydd Sadwrn 10.00am a 1.00pm. Pwrpas y 2 sesiwn fydd eich cyflwyno i sgiliau ffilmio a golygu a defnyddio y cyfarpar pwrpasol. Does dim rhaid mynychu pob sesiwn yn ystod cyfnod y prosiect.Croeso i chi fynychu yr un sydd mwyaf cyfleus i chi.

**I’r rhai oedd yno y Sadwrn dwethaf cofiwch ddod nôl a’r cyfarpar i gyd ac edrychwn ymlaen i glywed sut aeth y ffilmio gyd chi yn ystod yr wythnos.**


There will be 2 sessions on Saturday – one at 10.00am and one at 1.00pm. The purpose of the sessions is to introduce you to filming and editing skills and how to use the equipment. You do not have to attend every session during the project. You are welcome to attend the most convenient for yourself.

**To those present last Saturday please return the equipment in time for the morning session and we look forward to hear how your filming went during the week.** 


Mae’r prosiect yn gyfle i chi gofnodi yr hyn sydd yn eich diddori.

The project gives everyone an opportunity to record what is important in your life.



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