Film Training in Cilycwm

Hyfforddiant gwneud ffilm i rhai di-brofiad yn Cilycwm
Filmmaking Training for beginners in Cilycwm

Dewch lawr i Ysgol Cilycwm am awr neu ddwy ar ddydd Sadwrn dros yr wythnosau nesaf i
gael hyfforddiant syml, anffurfiol ar ddefnyddio camera fideo ac offer golygu. Y syniad yw
bod gwahanol bobl yn y gymuned wedyn yn gallu cofnodi straeon eu teuluoedd aʼr ardal.
Bydd modd cael cymorth i lwythoʼr straeon oʼr camera i gyfrifiadur aʼu golygu yn syml.

Come down to Cilycwm School for an hour or two on a Saturday over the next few weeks
for informal, simple training to use a video camera and editing tools. The idea is that
different people in the community can then document their stories and the communityʼs
story. There will be support to load the stories from the camera into the computer for
simple editing.

Sadwrn / Saturday 13 Hydref / October  10.00 – 11.30

Dod i adnabod y camerau cymunedol a dysgu tips gwneud ffilmiau syml (mae croeso i
bobl sydd wedi ffilmio deunydd yn barod i ddefnyddio’r meddalwedd golygu).

Getting to know the community cameras and learning simple filmmaking tips (people who
have already filmed are welcomed to come and use the editing software at this time).

13.00 – 14.30
Gwybodaeth cychwynol ar sut mae llwytho deunydd i’r cyfrifiadur a golygu syml.

Beginner’s guide to loading footage from the camera to a computer and simple editing.

Sadwrn / Saturday 20 + 27 Hydref / October

10.00 – 14.30

(Gellid taro fewn unrhyw bryd / drop-in system)
Datblygu prosiect ffilm cymunedol yn adeiladu ar gwahanol straeon a chymeriadau yr
ardal. Datblygu mwy o sgiliau ffilmio a golygu. Croeo i rai di-brofiad hefyd.

Developing a community film project building on the different stories and characters in the
area. Developing more filming and editing skills. Beginners are also welcomed.

Bydd y sesiynnau yn anffurfiol a bydd cyfle i ofyn cwestiynau penodol.
The sessions are informal and there will be a chance to discuss specific questions.

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