Film training for beginners

Hyfforddiant gwneud ffilm i rhai di-brofiad yn Cilycwm
Filmmaking Training for beginners in Cilycwm

Newyddion Diweddaraf / Latest News
Maeʼr hyfforddiant ffilmio, y golygu aʼr casglu straeon yn parhau yn Ysgol Cilycwm pob
dydd Sadwrn dros yr wythnosau nesaf. Dewch lawr am awr neu ddwy i gael cyngor
anffurfiol ar sut mae gwneud ffilm. Gellwch fenthyg camera am wythnos i ffilmio straeon
eich teulu neu straeon oʼr ardal. Neu gellwch ddod aʼch camera eich hun. Bydd modd cael
cymorth i lwythoʼr straeon oʼr camera i gyfrifiadur aʼu golygu yn syml.

The filmmaking training, editing and collecting stories continues at Cilycwm School every
Saturday over the next few weeks. Come down for an hour or two to get informal advice
on creating your own film. You can borrow a camera for a week to film your familyʼs story
or a story from the local area or you can use your own camera. There will be support to
load the stories from the camera into the computer for simple editing.

Pob Sadwrn / Every Saturday
27 Hydref / October – 24 Tachwedd / November
10:00 – 13:00
(Gellid taro fewn unrhyw bryd / drop-in system)

Bydd y sesiynnau yn anffurfiol a bydd cyfle i ofyn cwestiynau penodol. Rhowch wybod os
hoffech chi help i ffilmio mewn lleoliad penodol yn y prynhawn –

The sessions are informal and there will be a chance to discuss specific questions. Let me
know if you need help to film at a specific location in the afternoon –

Bydd noson yn cae ei threfnu yn Ionawr 2013 i ranuʼr straeon aʼr ffilmiau.

An event will be held in January 2013 to share the stories and films.

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