Neighbourhood Watch message


Operation Bang
Dear Watch Member,

REVELLERS are being urged to be one of the good guys this Halloween and Bonfire Night.

Scarlets players have joined police, fire and council officers including youth officers to urge people to enjoy themselves without spoiling things for others.

They are supporting Carmarthenshire’s Community Safety Partnership’s efforts as part of the all-Wales Operation Bang to encourage people to stay safe and not let celebrations get out of hand.

Shops are being asked, not to sell eggs and flour to young people out to cause mischief.  Pupils are being advised to act responsibly and are being given advice on the dangers of bonfires and fireworks, as the police and fire service visit local schools.

Posters (please see attachments)have also been produced for householders to display in their windows to say whether they welcome trick or treaters. They are being distributed amongst the community and are available at the council’s customer service centres and police stations. They can also be downloaded from the council’s website

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If you need to reply by email click on my address here:

Brian Jones
Watch Liaison Officer
Neighbourhood Watch

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