Scam Alert – police message


Letter Scam from Sat-Assured
Dear Watch Member,

People have received a letter from a company called SATASSURED saying they have arrears with their Satellite insurance that needed to be paid as soon as possible, the letter includes another sheet of paper asking for personal details and credit/debit card details! And a freepost envelope for them to send it back in!

Many people have never heard of the company and after a Google search found them listed as a Scam and they’d been on Xray! Many people receiving these letters have never insured their satellite dishes.

Please be aware of this scam going around and not to send any money or give any personal details to them.

If you have any concerns please contact your local Police Station on 101 or speak with a member of the Neighbourhood Policing Team.

If you need to reply by email click on my address here:

Rhian James
Senior Office Assistant
Neighbourhood Watch

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