Christmas Greetings from

Merry Christmas everyone,

Since we are coming to the end of the first year of our new Cilycwm website, I would like to thank all those who have contributed; in particular our sub-group Dafydd, Chris, and William. We’ve not set the world on fire, but we have been able to react quickly to local happenings, our calendar of events is very full, our visitor number are rising steadily and so are the number of subscribers.

To mark the end of the first year we have made lots of small changes which should make the site easier to navigate round and interact with, and we’ve updated the home page. To complete the update there’s a suitably chilly header picture.

If Christmas 2012 turns out to be particularly memorable for you  – why not send us the pictures?

In the New Year we’re intending to stir up a bit of controversy, so watch this space.

Dick Turner

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