Police – new Online Watch Link

Dyfed Powys Police are currently introducing a new message service for the communities of Carmarthenshire. As part of Carmarthenshire Police’s continuing commitment to Neighbourhood Policing this service is being piloted in Carmarthenshire The Online Watch Link (OWL) is a two way initiative that allows the police to pass relevant messages to the community, and encourage the community to respond to the messages.

Messages can be of a crime prevention nature or to let you know of a notable incident that has occurred that may of interest to yourself or your business.
This Online Watch Link is FREE and you can decide the method of communication utilised. It is possible to receive the message via your home phone, a mobile phone via a text message or alternatively via e-mail to your home or work place.

To register your details, please complete the below and return to:
PCSO Stephen Griffiths stephen.griffiths@dyfed-powys.pnn.police.uk click here
or PCSO Nia Humphreys nia.humphreys@dyfed-powys.pnn.police.uk click here

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