Police warning to facebook users


Facebook users
Dear Watch Member,

Police are reminding Facebook users of the importance of checking their privacy settings.  Please change your privacy settings so that your profile can only be viewed by friends or friends of friends. When you profile states ‘everyone’ that means ‘the world’ whether or not they have a facebook account. Extra vigilance should be taken for those under 18 who are using facebook. Please cascade this message to your friends and family. Be aware of what personal details you post on facebook try and limit your personal information as you don’t know who will be viewing it and what they will be using it for.

If you need to reply by email click on my address here: jessica.thomas@dyfed-powys.pnn.police.uk

Jessica Thomas
Senior Office Assistant
Neighbourhood Watch
Email: jessica.thomas@dyfed-powys.pnn.police.uk

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