Police warn of ‘skimming’ type attacks

Dear Watch Member,

Dyfed-Powys Police is reminding members of the community to reduce the risk of being a victim of fraud, following an incident of skimming in Lampeter.

The device, which was seized from cash point at Co-op Pioneer Store on Bridge Street in the town on Wednesday 20 February, has been removed and taken away by police for examination.

Skimming is the fraudulent technique that reads the data on the magnetic strip on one card and transfers the details onto another magnetic strip – resulting in the cloning and theft of your card details.

DC Robertson-Williams said: ‘Always remain vigilant when using your bank or credit cards. Criminals are becoming ever-more innovative in finding ways to extract cash from people illegally and I urge members of the public to take extra care when using cash points.

‘If you believe a cash point has been tampered with please report it to the police or bank immediately.’

If members of the public see any suspicious activity, please contact police immediately on101.

Alternatively, you can call Crimestoppers, anonymously on 0800 555111

If you need to reply by email click on my address here: brian.jones@dyfed-powys.pnn.police.uk

Brian Jones
Watch Liaison Officer
Neighbourhood Watch
Email: brian.jones@dyfed-powys.pnn.police.uk

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