Blaenau Tywi Book project.

Bellach, does dim rhagor o’r llyfr Blaenau Tywi i’w gael.

Diolch i bawb a gyfrannodd mewn unrhyw ffordd at y prosiect.


Blaenau Tywi – There are no more books available.

The book has been extremely well accepted by the community and has been shipped to all parts of the world.  Thanks to all who contributed and supported the project.

It is hoped that some elements of the project will be ongoing in that more information will be added to the Blaenau Tywi historical website as the material comes in, usually into the New Information section or the New Images sections.

If you have any information or images, please send them through to the website.

Some items from the Book have been added to the People’s Collection website – click here to go to the site.

The Book is available to download as a PDF from the Upper Tywi History Group – click here to go to the site.

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