Consultation on the removal of the village phone-box.

 Are people in the area aware of the current consultation on the removal of the phonebox in Cilycwm?

BT are proposing to remove it as they don’t believe it is used often. If anyone would like to comment on the consultation then send your correspondence to Nia Stoakes –

The consultation ends 25/11/2016.

As there is no mobile phone coverage in the village, it’s essential to keep it operational, even if it is wonky.

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One Response to Consultation on the removal of the village phone-box.

  1. dafydd tomos says:

    Croeso i bawb i ymateb i’r Ymgynghoriad gan BT i cael gwared o Ffonau Talu Cyhoeddus.

    Please comment if you wish to keep the BT phone operational in Cilycwm.

    More information here:- a kiosk/HTML/payphone/index.htm

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