An event for Red Squirrel Enthusiasts

Dear Red Squirrel Enthusiasts,

 The British Association of Conservation and Shooting (BASC) is running  a free course in grey squirrel control on Wednesday 18th January in Rhandirmwyn; the course will run from 10:30am – 2:30pm and lunch will be provided.  Please see the flyer for the course and registration form attached. 

 The BASC course will cover red and grey squirrel ecology and interaction as well as trapping technique.  However, it differs from MWRSP provided courses in that, as well as cranial dispatch technique,  it will also cover the use of firearms in despatching squirrels – the legalities and the practicalities.

 If you are interested in attending this  course, please complete the attached registration form and email to Audrey Watson on   Audrey will respond to you to confirm your place on the course. You can contact Audrey for more details about the course on: 07531 141497 or 01244 573000.

 Regards, Becky

Click here to download more information

Click here to download the booking form in Word format

Click here to download the form as a PDF

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Becky Hulme

Swyddog Gwiwerod Coch Canolbarth Cymru  / Mid Wales Red Squirrel Officer
Ymddiriedolaeth Natur De a Gorllewin Cymru / The Wildlife Trust of South and West Wales
07972 201202

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