Open letter from the Rev Wendy Foulgar



Dear Friends,

It was decided at a meeting of the Parish Church Council on Monday 14th November 2011 that we should inform you of the critical financial situation facing St. Michaels Church Cilycwm.

For some time now the church has struggled, despite regular fundraising events, to meet its financial commitments year on year.  The situation is, that despite the great efforts of a few faithful people, its current available financial resources will be exhausted by Spring 2012.

If there is no improvement by this time the P.C.C. is resolved to petition the Bishop of St. Davids to declare the church redundant which will result in its closure.

It will then no longer be used for its prime purpose, which is the worship of God and as a house of prayer. Weddings, Christenings, School events and Funerals in the church will end.

This represents a challenge for everyone who wishes to see the Parish Church at the heart of the community and available to all.  We seldom appreciate as we should the value of something until we no longer have it.

We pray that that this will not be the case with the historically important church in Cilycwm which is a grade 1 listed building and has served its community for centuries.

This is not an issue about money alone it is about people, for it is people who are the Church.  Your Parish Church needs both.

With our prayers and blessing

Rev. Canon Roger Hughes, Area Dean

Rev. Wendy Foulger, Minister

St. Barnabas Church, Rhandirmwyn has enough financial resources at present to meet their responsibilities, but have just received the news that repairs to the church will amount to £52,000, which can be carried out in phased periods.  This money will obviously have to be raised in excess of the running costs of the church.

St. Marys Cynghordy is in the process of being restored, but again they have been hit with extra costs.  This money will come out of the finances put aside for maintenance and quota, thus leaving this parish church in financial difficulties again.

I feel I need to explain the quota system.  Each church is allocated a quota from the Diocesan Office.  This sum covers Priest’s salaries and pensions, administration of the Diocese, repair of property etc.  In fact it is similar to the Council Charge we all face to care for us all.  The churches themselves pay cleric’s expenses, church maintenance and all other expenses relating to their church.

As you can see there is an on-going call on the congregations’ finances, and we are asking you as residents of our parishes if you would be prepared to help and support your churches.  A few ideas, such as Friends of the Church and further fund raising events have been put forward, but we would love further suggestions from you all.  Please contact The Rev. Wendy Foulger on 01550 721109.  Your Church Needs You.

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