Author Archives: chrisrobertson


Llongyfarchiadau ENFAWR i Wyn Jones, Ochryfforest am ennill ei le yn nhim CYMRU i Cwpan Rygbi’r Byd, yn Japan. A HUGE congratulations to Wyn Jones on being chosen to represent Wales in the Rugby World Cup in Japan Blaenwr da, … Continue reading

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Llunie o’r Sioe…Show photos

Rhai lluniau o’r pabell…some images from the marquee. I weld mwy o lunie……To see more images from the Show go to

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Sioe Cilycwm Show, 2019

Dydd Llun, 26ain Awst…….Monday, 26th of August, 2019 Am fanylion pellach gan gynnwys y Rhaglen……for further details including the Schedule – ..

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Râs hwyl…./….Fun Run

Friday 23rd August from 5.30 onwards, around the tranquil lanes of Cilycwm….. dydd gwener Awst 23, o amgylch yr ardal…..

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Scenic sights in Sunny Siloh……

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Eisteddfod Genedlaethol Llanrwst, 2019

Perfformiad gwych gan Eleri Owen Edwards yn canu Cân y Cadeirio i T. James Jones (enillydd y Gadair). A fantastic performance to greet the Chair winner in the National Eisteddfod. Ewch i 1 awr a 16 munud / go to … Continue reading

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Llongyfarchiadau gwresog i Wyn Jones. Cap rhif 13 dros Gymru, a mwy pwysig cais yn erbyn y Saeson!

Diwrnod i gofio yn Nyffryn Tywi. Congratulations to Wyn Jones on scoring his first try for Wales versus England in the rugby match. A great day for all in this valley. .

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DIWRNOD HANESYDDOL YNG NGHILYCWM Ar ddydd Iau, 1af o Awst trosglwyddwyd allwedd Capel y Groes gan Ann Theophilus, ar ran ymddiriedolwyr y Capel, i Aled  Edwards yn cynrychioli ymddiriedolwyr Menter Cilycwm.  Mae’r Capel yn rodd gan aelodau’r Capel i’r gymuned, … Continue reading

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Arwydd o’r Hydref / A sign of the Autumn…….

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Tywi Valley Open Studios (Arts Trail)

Gwaith Celf yn Nyffryn Tywi For over a week, the Arts Trail Open Studios begins – the Orange Trail in this area. please visit –

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