Thornton Timlick tracked down

It’s good to be able to help someone the other side of the world to find someone they have lost contact with. Carrie Smith remembered Thornton Timlick as living at Penstacan, and Alice Pyper knew he now lives in Myddfai but didn’t have a contact.

Supping tea with John Milner this afternoon he mentioned “my friend Thornton” so I got the full history from him.

Evidently Thornton and his wife (Sheila?) lived at Cwm Croiddur before Ray Noyes and it was they who did most of the work converting the buildings into letting accommodation. When his wife died he moved to the old mill at Penstacan where he evidently had some kind of long term repairing lease which became the subject of a dispute and he moved out and went to Myddfai.

I’ve sent his phone number to Lisa in Australia so hope they will enjoy a re-union.

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