Thrilling rescue at Dinas RSPB Reserve.

A dramatic helicopter rescue took place in Dinas RSPB Reserve on Saturday 28th July 2012.

Clive Barrett, who had been walking on his own on Pen Rhiwbie, fell and broke his leg. He managed to crawl far enough to make his shouts heard. The Robertson family, from Ger Y Felin, were walking the river path at the end of the boardwalk when they heard his cries for help from high on the cliffs on the opposite side of the river. Kate stayed on the scene while Chris and Helen, Imogen and Jack went to get help. As there is no mobile signal in the area they drove to a nearby farm and used the phone. Fortunately an ambulance and a local crew were on station in Llandovery and were very quickly on the scene. They felt it was unsafe to risk crossing the river and attempting to bring the casualty down so called for a helicopter team.

At this point Andrew Wielochowski, from Cilycwm, walked up the river path. As an experienced Mountain Rescuer he felt safe crossing the river and climbing the cliffside to assess Clive’s condition. He was able to report back to the ambulance crew that Clive had fractured his lower leg but was comfortable.

The Sea King helicopter was coming from Anglesey and took just under an hour to arrive. The conditions were changing from bright sunshine to light rain and the site, in the entrance to the ravine, was a challenge.

The crew lowered a paramedic by winch and then withdrew while the injuries were assessed and the patient prepared for evacuation.

Once Clive was securely strapped onto a stretcher the helicopter returned to hover over the scene and he was winched to safety with the winch lady, Rach,  travelling up with him.

Then he was flown to hospital – though we do not know which one. And Jack and Imogen, who had waited patiently to see the drama, were allowed to see inside the ambulance.

Video one.  Video Two.

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5 Responses to Thrilling rescue at Dinas RSPB Reserve.

  1. Tessa Robertson says:

    Wow! I always knew my dad was a hero! Well done guys x x

  2. Nancy Chambers says:

    Not only was Clive extremely lucky that the Robertsons were on hand but that Chris knows how to take good pictures and writes well and has a wonderful blog to put everything in. Now there is an account of the weekend rescue for all time.

  3. richard barrett says:

    A big thanks to all involved in the rescue of my father at Dinas.What a great sense of community at Cilycwm.thanks Rich

  4. Clive Barrett says:

    I’m Clive, the man that got rescued. I’m extreemely greatful to you all for playing part in my rescue. God only knows what may have happened to me if I had not seen you and you had not heard my cries for help. You turned up five minutes after it happenned. I was on a landscape photography trip chasing my camera bag when it started to roll down the hill. I managed to stop the bag just when I heard the crack in my leg which broke my tibia and fibia. I have just returned home from Merthyr Tydfil hospital in plaster and shall be attending Glangwili hospital later on in the week for surgery. I would like to visit you when I get back on my feet, so please let me have your contact details as I feel I may owe my life to you. I would also like to thank Andrew for his company and support and the loan of his shirt when I was cold and in shock. I had already descended about a third of the way down the mountain with the broken leg at this point as I had visions of spending the night there. My gratitude goes to all the rescue services, and especially Rach,the winch lady who was very professional, for the gas and air. Thank you ALL. Clive.

  5. Richard Turner says:

    Great pictures Chris. Lucky anyone was there, let alone you, Kate and Andrew.

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