Search for Soanes family of Hill Farm

We’ve just had this email from Graham Smith asking if anyone has information on a family he used to spend holidays with:

Harry Edith Maureen and Bronwyn Soanes. Hill farm in the 1940s

A very good evening to you!

I will make this brief, at this stage but am more than happy to go into as much detail as you would like if – and ONLY if – my story is of interest to your village.

I used to spend my holidays, as a young man, at the Hill farm with your Village address but can not remember the name of the farm, although I think there was only one. Is it still there? I remember a stream ran along the bottom of the hill/mountain.  My mother (who was killed in ‘44) had three sisters and one, Edith, was married to Harry whose farm it was. Harry became a regular broadcaster on the, then, Home Service radio. I have a multitude of stories of those days that I could relate and some photos.

Kind regards and thank you for taking the time and trouble to read this.

Graham Smith.

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