Ambulance service meeting

This came from the Rhandirmwyn association:
  • Sara Fox has now heard back from the Ambulance Service, and a meeting with them has been arranged at The Royal Oak Inn at 7pm on Thursday 9th February to discuss what can be done to improve the current service. An agenda has been sent to them so that they are fully aware of the issues we want to discuss. To help us to help you we need to get a clearer picture of response times so we can present the best possible case for action at the meeting. To do this it would be really helpful if anyone who has called out the Ambulance in the past 12 months would let us know a few basic details (N.B. no personal medical information is needed) by completing the attached form (an Excel spreadsheet) and returning it to by 1st February at the latest. If you are not able to do this, hard copies are available from Sian at Ty Te Twm and can be left with her on completion. We have also invited Cilycwm Community Association to attend the meeting, as this is clearly an issue that affects them as well.
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