Church services

Services for Cilycwm and Rhandirmwyn Churches

February and March 2012 

                             Cilycwm                                          Rhandirmwyn                                                       

5th February

Holy Communion            11.15a.m.      Morning Prayer          9.30a.m.

 12th February

Christingle Service         11.15a.m.      Holy Communion       9.30a.m. 

19th February

Holy Communion            11.15a.m.      Holy Communion       9.30a.m.                  

 26th February   

Morning Prayer               11.15a.m.      Holy Communion       9.30a.m.

4th March

Holy Communion             11.15a.m.      Morning Prayer          9.30a.m.  

11th March

Morning Prayer               11.15a.m.       Holy Communion       9.30a.m. 

18th March  Mothering Sunday Family Service in both churches

F. S. + Holy Communion    11.15a.m.     F.S. + Holy Communion 9.30. 

25th March Passion Sunday

Morning Prayer              11.15a.m.        Holy Communion       9.30a.m.                                                                  

Messy Churchdoing church for families outside the church.  Last Monday each month at 3.30p.m. at Ysgoldy Fach, Cilycwm.  Children from 3yrs to 11yrs with a member of their family are all welcome.             

All details from Rev. Wendy Foulger 01550 721109

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