Author Archives: chrisrobertson

Upper Tywi Valley History Group / Grŵp Hanes Dyffryn Tywi Uchaf

Mynydd Mallaen i Flaen Twrch Arolwg Archaeolegol Darlith gan Paul Sambrook a Jenny Hall (Trysor) Nos Fawrth, Medi 18fed Royal Oak, Rhandirmwyn 7.30 Mynydd Mallaen to Blaen Twrch An Archaeological Survey A talk by Paul Sambrook & Jenny Hall (Trysor) … Continue reading

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Village questionnaire

The results of the village questionnaire have been collated and are available. Click here or go to the Community Association heading in the Cil-y-cwm in 2012 menu.

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Regency Chess link

James at Regency Chess has kindly offered a chess set for Cilycwm Chess Club in exchange for a link to their website. There are certainly some amazing sets there – look at this one for example:

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Barbecue – Llandovery and Myddfai Parish Youth Group

Llandovery and Myddfai Parish Youth Group Invites you to our BARBECUE For young people, their Friends and their Families, a chance to get to know the present youth group and the leaders and to see where we meet and what … Continue reading

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Cil-y-cwm Show/Sioe

There is now a page dedicated to the 2012 Cil-y-cwm show which will be held on Awst/August 27ain/27th ar gaeau Erryd/on Erryd fields. It has a downloadable copy of the Show booklet and details of the Committee. It also has … Continue reading

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Gwyl Bro Dinefwr 2012 photos added to Gallery

Will Theophilus’ photos and videos from Gwyl Bro Dinefwr 2012 are now in a gallery – click on the Gallery above then Local Events. You can see images from Friday and Saturday night as well as videos of some of the bands. There … Continue reading

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Thrilling rescue at Dinas RSPB Reserve.

A dramatic helicopter rescue took place in Dinas RSPB Reserve on Saturday 28th July 2012. Clive Barrett, who had been walking on his own on Pen Rhiwbie, fell and broke his leg. He managed to crawl far enough to make … Continue reading

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Thornton Timlick tracked down

It’s good to be able to help someone the other side of the world to find someone they have lost contact with. Carrie Smith remembered Thornton Timlick as living at Penstacan, and Alice Pyper knew he now lives in Myddfai … Continue reading

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Iorweth Price remembered

His daughter Meinir has written a warm account of an engaging character who will be greatly missed. It’s under “History”  – here

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Ice Cream from Cilycwm

O Mor Braf / Just S Scrumptious, the delicatessen in Llandovery, have just installed a scooping freezer to sell the high quality “Cow Pots” ice cream. Much of the cream to make this comes from Steven and Mair Kavanagh’s Jersey … Continue reading

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