Author Archives: chrisrobertson

Neighbourhood Watch message

  Operation Bang Dear Watch Member, REVELLERS are being urged to be one of the good guys this Halloween and Bonfire Night. Scarlets players have joined police, fire and council officers including youth officers to urge people to enjoy themselves … Continue reading

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Fireworks at the Towy Bridge

Saturday 3rd November at 7pm. Fireworks & Halloween Fancy Dress competition for Children (& adults too) For full details click here.

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Film training for beginners

Hyfforddiant gwneud ffilm i rhai di-brofiad yn Cilycwm Filmmaking Training for beginners in Cilycwm Newyddion Diweddaraf / Latest News Maeʼr hyfforddiant ffilmio, y golygu aʼr casglu straeon yn parhau yn Ysgol Cilycwm pob dydd Sadwrn dros yr wythnosau nesaf. Dewch … Continue reading

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Macmillan Coffee Morning

Audrey Price would like to thank everyone who contributed to the collection at the Macmillan Coffee Morning on September 28th held at Rhydwydd. The total raised for Macmillan Cancer Support was £564.00. Macmillan’s Head Coffee Lady has written to give … Continue reading

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Film Training in Cilycwm

Hyfforddiant gwneud ffilm i rhai di-brofiad yn Cilycwm Filmmaking Training for beginners in Cilycwm Dewch lawr i Ysgol Cilycwm am awr neu ddwy ar ddydd Sadwrn dros yr wythnosau nesaf i gael hyfforddiant syml, anffurfiol ar ddefnyddio camera fideo ac … Continue reading

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Cawl & Bingo Night

Saturday 13th Oct See Calendar for details

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Rhandirmwyn Progressive Supper

See Calendar for details  

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Changes to filming schedule

Please note we’ve had the following update from Lleucu Meinir who is doing the Communit Filming project in Cilycwm school:   “We need to cancel next Saturday’s session (6th) due to a monthly crafts workshop taking over the school. So, … Continue reading

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Pictures of Cilycwm Show

These are William Theophilus’ photos – well up to his usual standard [nggallery id=16] And here are some more: [nggallery id=17]

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Cilycwm Film Project / Prosiect ffilm

Ysgol Gynradd Wirfoddol Rheoledig Cilycwm, Cilycwm, Llanymddyfri , Sir Gaerfyrddin . SA20 OSR . (01550 720714   Prosiect ffilm / Film prosiect   22/9/12   Bydd 2 sesiwn yn cael ei gynnal ddydd Sadwrn 10.00am a 1.00pm. Pwrpas y … Continue reading

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